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Friday, February 19, 2010

Are you happy? - Feb 19th


When it comes down to it, you decide where your life will end up and how you want your life to end up. I was talking with a friend of mine today who was telling me a story about someone she knew. The person haS no job, no schooling, nothing going for them. 25 and living with his mother...pause...[sidenote]

no disrespect to anyone out there living at home...Sometime I feel I'll never leave home, my mom babied me A LOT and that has definitely taken its toll on my aspirations to "leave the nest", like the food is sooooo good(Lol)  and there's a lot of love within my household...although good, its made me nervous and intimidated by life and the real world. [end]

...but that wasn't the real problem, the problem was in his excuse.." I never had my father around, and no one really supported me" what?! I never had my father either and with every decision I make in life 90% of the time people are telling me why its the biggest mistake ever and giving me the cons and not a single pro.

Don't let something as trivial as that stand in your path to happiness and success...

don't get me wrong I am feeling for anyone that has had to go through the struggle of not having a parent...I went threw it and believe me there were too many point's in my life where I could have really used my fathers love, guidance, support but he was doing things that made life hard for me and my mother.

But I WILL NOT use something like that as an excuse for not being happy and successful...

half the black population don't got no daddy...it's no longer a shock or surprise when a black youth say's "oh its just me and my mom" , "I ain't got no daddy" or even "its just me and my father" somewhere close by 3 other kids are saying "me too! I know how you feel!"...

In the end you rise either way and you take this and you become better...so that when you become a success and people realize that you did it without the strength and guidance of a father figure, they admire you even more and respect your success even more...

basically what I'm saying is don't blame your  unhappiness and lack of successions on others...when it comes down to it you decide where your life will end up...


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