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Wednesday, January 27, 2010

BBPA : 10th Annual Martin Luther King Jr Celebration

Okay, so this a really late late post and I don't know why I forgot to post so bear with me...

On Januray 16th I had the honor of volunteering at the 10th Annual  Martin Luther King Jr Celebration hosted by the Black Business and Professionals Association [BBPA]. It was really impressive and informative.

The theme of the event was
"The dream resides in you"

and it was hosted by Radio Personality Rudy Blair from 680 news. I was working with the sound crew which was really odd on account I knew nothing about technical stuff like that, but either way I had to learn pretty quickly. There were alot of young black youth speakers including this one girl who I thought was like 20 and turned out to be 12! Friggen 12!? I mean the girl walked in wearing a pants suit! What 12 year old girl wears a pants suit! She had published 2 books as well. are you serious?! aside from the wonder girl there were other youth speakers who were also really inspirational. All there speeches were about dreams and how you must dream big and they also talked about the steps to acquiring your dreams some of the stuff they said were real eye openers. There were performances and organizations reaching out to youth...

There was also the TTC chairman who had the audacity to ask us for his vote in whatever coming up elections. You're the damn reason why I couldn't afford by bus pass and you want my vote?! Must be out yo damn mind!

...but I'd be lying if I said everything was good...not only did they start late and finish like an hour late but there was this one incident where a choir names ROC (Rexdale Outreach Choir) was introduced to perform, as they made there way to the stage you heard the most ghetto hollering imaginable LOL, a whole bunch of "gunshots and braps"...
and the calling out of the most gully nicknames evveeerr! "Gwan princess, gwan snookz, gwan tribbelz and scrilly and this and that like FRACK yo...immediately after that a woman screamed out "uno children have no home trainin!!!???" LOL my Jamaicans will understand that to the fullest LOL. I was dying with laughter!

But all in all it was a real good show and can't wait for the next one. I wish I had pictures to show you but I no longer have a DSLR =( and my digicam died on me that night. FML.

I will be joining the BBPA soon enough and making a difference. An event that I'm trying to volunteer for is the BBPA Harry Jerome Awards that will be happening sometime in February hopefully I can make it for that!

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