Wow, it has been almost three years since I have been on my own blog! I wish I could write some long post about all the wonderful things that I have been up to, as to why I have not regularly updated. Unfortunately, that's not going to happen. Not because I haven't been up to stuff but mostly because none of it is interesting enough for me to share. At least not by my standards.
I got an award at my job for outstanding achievement. Ill give myself a high five for that one :)
In all seriousness. This blog acted as more than just a place to vent my thoughts. When I was writing and sharing my journey. It gave me more of a drive to do bigger and better things. I got followers and people coming to me and asking about what was happening next. The moment I stopped writing and updating, I feel as if my drive and journey slowed down too. So I'm hoping by recommitting myself that maybe I will reignite something that I have lost.
Although we're already in March. Here's to 2013 and to journeys, experiences, failures and success!
Until next time friends. Peace and Love.
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