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Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Negative SHIT!!!!

I'm in a real bad mood right now brought on by one person in a matter of minutes. You know what? don't let ANYBODY bring down your mood because of their situation. That term misery loves company...I get it to the fullest right about now. If you can't support or be happy for a friend can you really call yourself a friend?

A blogger who's content I read on a regular said it best...
I don’t like rude people.
You know, people who have to show how “real” and “honest” they are, by usually insulting or belittling other people. People who just go so hard ALL of the time, being overly sarcastic. Sometimes they just need to calm down.
- Sergio (http://sergiorrifico.blogspot.com/) check him out when you get the chance..


1 comment:

  1. You cannot call yourself a friend if you constantly bring down others around you, period. Don't let it get to you, it just gives the people something to fuel off.

    Better days to come :)
