2 followers in 1 week. I am really surprised, delighted, yet at the same time nervous. In one sense thank you for having an interest in what I have to show you. On the other hand as my banner states "nothing special here" haha.
But this third follower is someone I really want everyone to take an interest in. His name is Rashid Akeem, a Toronto poet. I want everyone to take the time to look at his blog MY NAME IS RASHID where he displays many of his works and his visions. It really is something to marvel at. I have read some of his work so far and relate very deeply to a lot he has to say, and I'm sure you'll find something that your conscious needs. And if you want an even better look at him go visit his youtube account RashidAkeem. I can see that he's really well known and by his works he will be going far, I hope you enjoy him as much as I am. This definitely is a person that will have a special place on this blog and will always be promoted here as well.